Lafayette Math LLC can help with College and University Level Math Courses and Professional Exams
Private Tutoring - In Center
$70/1.5 hours
We have helped students from ULL, SLCC, LSU and various online programs.
college level courses and exams we can help with:
Quantitative Reasoning
Applied College Algebra Fundamentals
Applied College Algebra
Numbers and Number Relations
Pre-Calculus Algebra
Finite Mathematics
Technical Mathematics
Number Sense for PK-8 Teachers
Geometry and Measurement for PK-8 Teachers
College Geometry
College Algebra
Practical Mathematics
Survey of Calculus
Calculus I
Calculus II
Calculus III
Applied Calculus
Probability & Statistics
Differential Equations
Linear Algebra
GRE & more...
professional exam help for:
Praxis I Core Academic Skills for Educations (Math Portion)
Praxis Elementary Exam - Math is 5003
Praxis Subject Assessment for Math & more...
If you do not see the name of your exam or college course, please contact us to discuss your needs.