My Beautiful Wife - Without your support I would have never had the courage to start this business or endure the slow times. I appreciate your patience and belief in me. You are my world and inspiration. I love you.
My Parents - You told me I had what it took to start a business and be a successful business owner. You’ve supported this venture from it’s inception and I can’t be more grateful for the support you both have shown me. Yall never once told me to get a real job and have encouraged me to inflate my dreams.
My brother, sister and in-laws - Again, the support yall have shown me cannot be replicated. You helped me clean and open up the office, gave me filing cabinets, books, supplies and belief in myself.
Tim Levandowski - You taught me how to be a student and stayed up with me to study when college defeated me. Your example never let me give up.
Kate and Owen Ryan - Thank you for your incredible patience and for showing me how math can actually be used in the real world. You are the best bosses I’ve ever had.
Bernard Douthit - Thank you for giving me a chance to be a tutor and teaching me how to be professional and run a small business.
Dr. Diane Davis - I’ve never seen a teacher connect with their students in such a meaningful way. I wish I had the rapport you do. You also taught me, by example, to be thoroughly prepared when giving lectures.
Dr. Christopher Harder - Thank you for giving me so many chances to succeed. I appreciate the time you took to always help me.
Mrs. Peggy Stefan and Mrs. Christina Bourque - The high school teachers that peaked my interest and challenged me in math. I’ll be forever grateful.
Mrs. Leslie Davis - Thank you for giving me an opportunity at the Schools of The Sacred Heart. It really helped me develop my teaching skills and methods.
Momma Carol - For showing me that learning can be a lifelong passion.
And a huge thank you to every student or parent that has allowed me to work with their children. I still can’t believe this is my actual job. Yall give my life meaning.
I know I’ve forgotten many but know that I love and appreciate you all.